Nodle Arcadia

Nodle has launched its own blockchain network, Arcadia, which leverages the Polkadot Network and the Parity Substrate. Why? Why differ from the norm of building on top of an existing chain and go through the expensive and timely process to create their own? We consider these questions and the challenges Nodle faced with existing technologies: scalability and security.

The current Nodle network to date has processed 1.3 million transactions per day. Comparing this to a technology such as Bitcoin which sees traffic in the 300,000 transactions per day with noticeable problems, it is obvious that Nodle’s team needed to consider the bigger picture as their network continues to grow. Having a network that is in-house will allow Nodle to gradually scale up Nodes as they see fit as well as monitor traffic more closely to avoid congestion, allow for faster lookup, and monitor the network more closely.

Nodle handles personal data that is transmitted through foreign devices. This raises many security concerns as if the data is not properly secured the routing device may have access to the data. Using a third party chain raises issues due to the fact that even though Nodle uses a proprietary security protocol, Rendezvous, the owner of the Node can still see the traffic being transmitted over it. The only way to completely mitigate all attacks and have a lockdown of the network is to control it end to end. This is a huge step forward for Nodle as it means that they have deployed the first security-first blockchain for IoT devices.

In their pursuit to create the most robust network for IoT devices, Arcadia is one step forward to a secure and decentralized Internet. With the launch of Arcadia, Nodle is positioning itself as the one-stop-shop to bring devices online without the need for them to have an Internet connection.

“The launch of Arcadia is a leap forward for the IoT and Blockchain ecosystems. It represents the first public version of a central component of The Nodle Network that will be in charge of securely and privately maintaining IoT data transmitting through the network. Arcadia will support use-cases never imagined before, and serve as a test bed for new features that would then be deployed to the main Nodle Network after thorough testing.”- Eliott Teissonniere